Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Birthday is Tomorrow!

My 31st birthday is tomorrow (if you hadn't gathered that information already from the title of this post). I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I almost as difficult as turning 30 was for me because now I'm no longer 30, I'm in my 30's. Yikes. What's even more odd for me is that my mother is only 45. She had me when she was 15, but that's a story for a completely different post. I have friends that are my mother's age. It never bothered me because my my mother and I are so close, but when I actually stop to think about it, it seems like I'm creeping up on her in age, and she's more like a peer now than my "elder," as it were.

Anyway, my birthday is tomorrow. I was born at 5:27AM on Sunday, 7 January 1979, to be precise.

Below is the last picture of me while I'm a 30-year-old. Tomorrow I'll be 30-something...

In this photo my eyes look odd, I've got some sort of weird crooked smile, but eh... I've still got my youth... for now anyway.


  1. Awesome! I'll be 31 this year too. That's cool about your mom, my mom had me at 24. My mom is in her 50's ewww...(oh my mom would kill me :P) Well I am celebrating early for you... Drunk off of Mojitos... God they are so gooooood.

    LOVE YA!

  2. Happy Birthday! once you get in your thirties, the snowball of time really starts to pick up speed.

  3. Thank you, Chris, I appreciate it! Time's been flying by for quite a while now. I can't imagine it going by any faster!

  4. LMAO! Remember that time at your birthday when you got drunk off your ass on vodka?! Good times were had by all that night!
